Annual Report 2015-2016


Currently PALA has 51 paid members from 15 states. The number of paid members is

down from a peak of 101 in 2014. Membership renewal was moved to January for all members.  



Account Balance:   $2,459.11 – January 1, 2015 $2,493.12 – December 31, 2015

Income: $1,050.58 – Membership Dues

Expenditures: $1,016.57 – Website redesign, Internet Domain Fee, Hosting Service Fee,

Annual Illinois Secretary of State Registration, Annual Meeting expenses, stamps, and PO Box



Leonard Kniffel, President

Ewa Barczyk, Vice-President/President Elect

Elizabeth Marszalik, Treasurer

Joanna Klos, Secretary

Paulina Poplawska, Director at Large

Ronald Stoch, Director at Large



  • The new direction of PALA, a resolution adopted by the PALA Board of Directors in 2015, is to focus its energy and resources on networking and career development through four primary activity areas:
  1. Planning and conducting the Annual Meeting and participating in other national, state, and international conferences, and in other networking forums.
  2. Improving communication and resource sharing with members through the PALA Mine quarterly newsletter, the PALA website, and survey and evaluation forms.
  3. Recruiting and retaining members through the efficient and effective use and maintenance of the email mailing list.
  4. Partnering with and supporting the efforts of libraries, library associations, and other related organizations.
  • PALAMine, PALA’s quarterly newsletter, was initiated and created by Aldona Salska, PALA founding president
    • PALAMine was published on May 2015, June 2015, October 2015, and February 2016
  • PALA compiled two new librarian resources 
  1. Great Websites for Polish Americans   2. Poland & the Holocaust: Recommended Readings
  • PALA organized a PALA member meeting at ALA’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA
  • PALA passed a Resolution of Support for Poland’s Entry into the Visa Waiver Program
  • PALA signed IFLA’s Declaration on Access
  • PALA obtained free passes to Chicago BookExpo 2016 for PALA members by partnering with BookExpo America and Aquila Polonica Publishing
  • PALA held an election before the 2016 Annual Meeting to elect new board members and revise bylaws. The member response rate was 44.9 % (22 members voted), 100% of votes were YES for the bylaws revision, there were no write-in candidates, and all nominated candidates were automatically elected. There are three Director at Large vacant positions.



  • PALA supports “The World Knew: Jan Karski’s Mission for Humanity” traveling exhibit featured at 21 institutions
  • PALA supported the Polish Catholic Immigrants in Chicago Conference at Loyola University, IL
  • PALA is partnering with the Polish Museum of America through the appointment of Leonard Kniffel, PALA President, to the PMA Board of Directors
  • PALA is partnering with IFLA local organizers in Poland to participate in and promote the 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Wrocław