Annual Report 2016-2017



As of June, 2017 PALA has 43 paid members.  


Account Balance:   $3,366.02 – January 1, 2016

Income 2016: $1,945.07 – Membership Dues and Donations

Expenditures 2016: $1,072.17 – Internet Domain Fee, Hosting Service Fee, IFLA Membership

Annual Illinois Secretary of State Registration, Annual Meeting Expenses, Stamps, and PO BOX

BOARD OF DIRECTORS  2016-2018 Term

Leonard Kniffel, President Iwona Bozek, Director at Large

Ewa Barczyk, Vice-President/President Elect Paulina Poplawska, Director at Large

Joanna Klos, Secretary Hanna Przybylski, Director at Large Elizabeth Marszalik, Treasurer Ronald Stoch, Director at Large

PRIMARY ACTIVITY AREAS – As adopted by PALA Board of Directors in 2015

  • Planning and conducting the Annual Meeting and participating in other national, state, and international conferences, and in other networking forums.
    • PALA held an Annual Meeting last year on April 17 at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.  The keynote speakers included historians Dominic Pacyga and John Gurda. The event was attended by 30 individuals.
    • PALA participated in BookExpo held in Chicago on May 11-13, 2016. PALA members staffed the Polish publisher’s booth promoting books by Polish and Polish American authors. In partnership with the Polish Book Institute and Aquila Polonica Publishing, PALA was able to provide free passes to the event for PALA members.
    • The World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) will be held in August 2017 in Wrocław, Poland.  PALA plans on offering scholarships for Polish-American librarians to attend IFLA and has applied for assistance from the Consulate General of Poland.  During the event PALA is partnering with the  American Library Association (ALA) International Relations Office to have a presence at the ALA booth at IFLA.  
  • Improving communication and resource sharing with members through the PALA Mine quarterly newsletter, the PALA website, and survey and evaluation forms.
    • PALA’s electronic newsletter was published in May and October 2016 and January and April 2017.
    • The PALA website continues to be updated with news releases about PALA events and happenings. The website also contains a new resource for Polish Heritage Month library programming ideas.
    • PALA continues to answer periodic questions received via PALA’s website contact form.
  • Recruiting and retaining members through the efficient and effective use and maintenance of the email mailing list.
    • A membership drive to retain old members and recruit new members occurred in February. The goal is to have more than 100 members to be able to apply for American Library Association Affiliate status.
  • Partnering with and supporting the efforts of libraries, library associations, and other related organizations.
    • PALA is partnering with IFLA local organizers in Poland and the American Library Association to participate and promote the 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Wrocław, Poland.
    • PALA is partnering with the Polish Museum of America through the appointment of Leonard Kniffel, PALA President, to the PMA Board of Directors
    • PALA supports “The World Knew: Jan Karski’s Mission for Humanity” traveling exhibit featured at 21 institutions and continues to cooperate with the Forum for Dialogue Among Nations.