Polish Heritage Month Ideas for Libraries
October is Polish Heritage Month. Get ready to celebrate Poland’s history and culture with the following programming ideas and resources:
Develop a recommended reading list of books highlighting Polish culture and famous Poles
Helpful Links:
Reading Recommendations from the Chicago Public Library
Adults: Explore the Diverse Cuisine of Poland
Teens: Stories Featuring Polish and Polish American Teens
Kids: Witamy! Exploring Polish American Heritage
Reading Recommendations from PALA
Poland & the Holocaust
12 Polish Classic Literary Works in Translation
Invite a folk dance group to perform at your library
Helpful Links:
Polish Fold Dance Association of the Americas
Polish Dance and Choral groups subsidized by the Polish National Alliance
Host a movie screening
Helpful Links:
Polish Film Festival in America
10 Polish Films You Need to Watch
The Fourth Partition
Host a Polish traditional folk art workshop
Helpful Links:
Polish Folk Art Traditions
A Foreigner’s Guide to Polish Folk Art
Polish Art Center
Reach out to local Polish cultural organizations to find a speaker on a Polish related topic
Helpful Links:
Polish American Chamber of Commerce Chicago
Polish Cultural Institute New York
Some cultural organizations can be found at PALA’s Great Websites for Polish Americans
Develop a bilingual story time with the help of volunteer parents
Helpful Links:
Dzieci w Bibliotece – Polish website: Children in the Library
Noc Bibliotek – Polish website: Night at the Library
Host a Polish author visit
Select a Polish book for your book club
Host a storytelling event featuring Polish folktales
Invite a Polish restaurant or bakery for a cooking demonstration of Polish favorites
Additional information about Polish Heritage Month and resources are available at the Polish American Cultural Center website.
Other Programs
ESL One-on One Conversation
(Prospect Heights Public Library). Volunteers for whom English is their native language lead weekly one-on-one conversations with patrons for whom English is a second language. Such conversations help improve language skills through informal chats. For more information email Aldona (asalska@phpl.info)
ESL Book Club
(Prospect Heights Public Library and Indian Trails Library). This book club is designed for patrons for whom English is a second language. Participation in this book club is a great opportunity to improve English language skills, enjoy good reading and meet others for whom English is also a second language. For more information email Aldona (asalska@phpl.info)
Polish Book Club – Polski Book Discussion – Sztukmistrz z Lublina-Scenario
(Prospect Heights Public Library, Indian Trails Public Library, and Loyola University). This book club explores Polish Literature after WW2 until 1990 written in Poland and in exile. Participants will explore some of complex issues taken up in modern Polish literature.
International Book Discussion Group (Prospect Heights Public Library District)
Patrons from diverse cultural backgrounds–American, Polish, Russian, Korean, Indian
etc., read and discuss contemporary bestsellers and classic on such important subjects
as religion, relationship, politics etc. This book discussion group is designed to enhance
cross-cultural understanding as well as to provide opportunity to improve English skill
for those for whom English is the second language.
Polish Story Time Conduced by Polish Friends of the Library (Prospect Heights Public Library District)
A group of Polish volunteers organizes monthly events for children 3-7 years old. Each
event presents an integrated and lively experience—for example, a short story or poem
often enhanced with puppet dramatizations, children games, dances, and crafts. The
events are designed to expose young children to Polish culture, to provide an opportunity
for improving Polish language skills for children for whom Polish is the second language,
and to strengthen the Polish community of the area.
Polish Story Time (Wood Dale Public Library)
This story time is presented monthly with limited English for children 3-7 years old.
The library storyteller uses books, flannel board stories, finger plays, and songs
to enhance reading and listening skills. For more information contact Joanna at
Polish Ornament Program (Bloomingdale Public Library) This program offered in December allows families to drop in to make several Polish Christmas ornaments for their tree. Traditional Polish cookies and candies are served. Various Polish books and music are displayed for patrons to check out. For more information contact Kristi at kkaluski@mybpl.org.
If you organized an event for Polish patrons or a program highlighting Polish history or culture at your library that was received with interest, please share the idea with us. Send a short description of the event and your contact email to us Contact us.